Natural-Looking Implants

Dental implants offer a wide range of benefits compared to traditional bridges and dentures. The dentist will create the prosthetic tooth or bridge and connect it to the jaw through an artificial tooth root. They are a fantastic option for those who have lost one or more teeth due to injury or periodontal disease.


Dental implants are crafted from high-quality materials and fuse with the jaw bone to keep them from slipping or sliding. Their appearance mimics the color and translucency of natural teeth for a seamless smile.


Long-Lasting Dental Implants


While options such as bridges and dentures have limited lifespans, lasting an average of 10 years, dental implants can last a lifetime with the proper hygiene and maintenance. These implants do not require reduction in surrounding teeth, like a tooth-supported bridge would, so more of your own teeth are left intact.


The long-term oral health benefits are obvious, as individual implants allow for easy access between the teeth. There are a number of different types of dental implants, based on how many stages are required for the procedure, and all result in long-lasting results.

Dental Implants through Farmington Dental Studio

Who Can Benefit?

Specific treatment plans can be created by your dentist depending on your condition. Ideal candidates for dental implants are those who are in good general and oral health, have adequate bone support in the jaw, and healthy gum tissue. Since the implants themselves are connected with the soft gum tissue and underlying bone, these areas must be relatively healthy prior to treatment.


Much like natural grown teeth, dental implants will require regularly at-home care along with dental visits to prevent deterioration and preserve function. We will work closely with you to ensure your new implants last the test of time.


Contact Farmington Dental Studio today to discover if dental implants are the right option for you. We offer free implant consultations where our dentist will go over all the options so you have everything you need to make an informed decision.

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