Invisalign Provider Near Me

Transforming your smile does not have to be a complicated, uncomfortable, and lengthy process. Our dentist is able to provide modern and comfortable solutions for those in need of a new look for their smile. Traditional metal braces are effective at reshaping teeth, but can sometimes cause further complications and discomfort.


The Invisalign system of orthodontics has successfully helped dental patients seeking an alternative to braces for over a decade. The most notable difference between regular braces and Invisalign braces is that you avoid the hassle of dealing with painful metal in your mouth. Invisalign braces are virtually “invisible,” so almost no one will know you’re wearing anything over your teeth.


Using a set of aligners, our staff straightens teeth. In order for a series of aligners to be made in a dental lab, an impression of your teeth must first be obtained. In order to be comfortable while worn for extended periods of time, the aligners are constructed from a thermoplastic material that is both robust and flexible. Invisalign is practically invisible!


How Does Invisalign Work?

Invisalign trays are made of a smooth, practically invisible plastic that you wear over your teeth. The aligners will gently and slowly shift your teeth into their proper place. With no wires to tighten and no brackets to adjust, maintenance is a breeze. The advanced technology that works with Invisalign removes the guesswork and ensures the perfect fit for your teeth.


Depending on the complexity of your smile situation, Invisalign treatments could be completed in as little as 6 months. Dr. Sam will work with you to figure out the appropriate plan of action to ensure you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.

Get Straighter Teeth Today!

Once your aligners are created and made-to-fit by our staff, we'll examine your smile and ensure our high standards are met. Through regular check-ins every few weeks, we will check up on the progress of your smile and schedule the next batch of aligners as needed.

To make sure that your teeth are moving as they should, patients will need to come in for regular checkups. Fortunately, these meetings are less frequent than they would be if you were wearing traditional metal braces. Invisalign is a practical option for people with hectic lives and busy schedules! Since the visits just serve to ensure that the treatment is effective and that your teeth are being straightened correctly.

Contact Farmington Dental Studio today to learn more about what Invisalign can do for your smile! The aligners provided by our dentist are virtually transparent and simple to remove. This results in limited changes to your everyday brushing and eating, and maximum comfort.

Invisalign Provider in Farmington Hills, MI - Affordable Clear Aligners Near Me - Farmington Hills Invisalign Dentist


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